I was sweating.

I felt hot and cold at the same time.

My face flushed red.

Breathing laboriously I tried to bring enough saliva into my mouth to form words.

I thought I might be having a panic attack induced by a profound realization that came through me like the hand of a very strong higher power.

It was moments before I was going live in my Facebook group to teach the final module of my online style transformation program BE YOUR OWN STYLIST.

It was time for me to show up and I realized this time around, it wasn’t enough for me to just to teach the concepts of a “capsule wardrobe” – it was time to LIVE it.

And I was totally, completely freaking out. On every level.

You see, I LOVE my clothes and I relished spending hours on end playing in my closet creating outfits and putting together unexpected pairings. I rationalized that it was all a part of my job as a personal stylist and while this is true (and I still delight in  “playing dress-up, and encourage my clients to do so as well) I realized I needed more of a lot of things.

More time.

More energy.

More creativity.

Not more clothes and definitely not more time sifting through the heaps of my collection, getting lost in daydreams (as wonderful and important as they are!)

I needed to focus, to buckle down and start showing rather than just telling.

It was time to get totally real and completely authentic.

It was time to actually create my own capsule wardrobe.

The term “capsule wardrobe” is SUPER BUZZY right now. Not surprising considering the shift towards more conscientious consumerism and movement away from the “fast fashion” that has marked the scene in recent years.

The fact is, not all that long ago, a woman’s closet used to be perfectly coordinated with high quality items that all worked together; and she had an outfit for every occasion.

But, we find we are no longer there.

Instead we have closets bursting with clothes that make us feel judged and overwhelmed.

Often, because of this overwhelm, we end up wearing the same thing every day – and not in a good way.

Can’t it all just be more cohesive, streamlined and approachable?

A History of the Capsule Wardrobe

The term “capsule wardrobe” was first coined by a London boutique owner in the 1970’s and was subsequently popularized by Donna Karan with her 1985 release of “7 Easy Pieces” which consisted of interchangeable workwear items. This launch coincided with women entering the workforce in droves and they needed clothes that would support them in their roles not just as mothers and wives but as businesswomen.

What is a Capsule Wardrobe?

Currently when someone refers to  “capsule wardrobe” it means a selection of about 40 pieces that are interchangeable and versatile and can carry you through all activities.

There are a lot of stylists out there putting together some very pretty looking visuals flaunting their expertise and encouraging you to go out and buy all 40 pieces.

But, from my perspective, there is some serious magic missing in their formulations. Not to mention PRACTICALITY.


Here’s what is typically outlined when you look for insight on how to build a capsule wardrobe:


  1. Select 40 pieces
  2. Create outfits
  3. Get rid of everything else


Ummmm let’s just take a minute here and talk about #1 on that list – how the HELL are we supposed to choose 40 items? Where’s the direction? The structure? The support?! How do you establish COHESION with the items? And really, get rid of everything? Yeah, no.

Ever since that day last Spring when I announced my own commitment to the Capsule Concept, I have worked to employ (my own variations) of the methodologies to my wardrobe — to incredible result.

The exercise gave me new perspective on my clothes and helped me appreciate how little we actually need to feel supported and fulfilled – I saw, true to my hypothesis, that when we have limits, we are the most free.

And interestingly, my desire to create capsules within my wardrobe tends to align with a shift in the seasons; cold weather to warm and back again.

So here we are, with hot days of summer fast approaching.

I’m finding once again that I want more time, more energy for the things I love (not just for all my clothes – as much as I do, and always will, love them.)

And I address it all in the Capsule Creation Crash Course.

I created this offer so that in just 5 days for 10 minutes a day (or less!) you can transform your wardrobe so you can live life with ease during these easy months.

And that is always where we start when it comes to style.

With what you already have.


Your personal brand already exists in your current closet and the capsule is just a concentrated, focused way to free up more time and energy in your life because you have made all your decisions in advance.


In this course we will work through what is serving you in what you currently have and we will build from there, creating outfits within the parameters of your available selection.


And you don’t have to get rid of anything — of course you absolutely can and you likely will but instead we will be creating a section of your closet from which you can FOCUS and delight in new perspective.

So what do I really think results from the Capsule Effect? What have I seen and experienced both for myself and my clients?


Increased Creativity.


Essentially more of what we want, less of what we don’t.

This is about changing your life, starting with your clothes.


And having everything you need no matter what you do or where you go.


That’s The Capsule Effect.

Helena Grant is a Personal Stylist on a mission to liberate women and help them find their most powerful expression. She works 1:1and in groups virtually and in-person. The Capsule Creation Crash Course launches Monday, June 17thand offers closet transformation in 5 easy modules along with a private Facebook group for additional support and style guidance.